Model P358 Pneumatic and Sealless Plastic Strapping Tensioners for Heavy-Duty Applications
Handheld Banding Tools
HD strapping tool, for Manual (2 button) or Semi-Automatic (1 button) operation.
Item # |
Item Name |
Strapping Width |
Strapping Thickness |
Maximum Strap Tension |
Tension Speed |
49.0261 /Asset/Model-P358-Pneumatic--Sealless-Plastic-Strapping-Tensioners-for-heavy-duty-applications.PNG | N/A Model P358/16/0.65-1.05/2.3 Pneumatic and Sealless Plastic Strapping Tensioner | Strapping Width N/A 16 mm5/8 in | Strapping Thickness N/A 0.65 to 1.05 mm0.026 to 0.041 in | Maximum Strap Tension N/A 2300 N517 lb | Tension Speed N/A 115 mm/s4.5 in/s |
49.0262 /Asset/Model-P358-Pneumatic--Sealless-Plastic-Strapping-Tensioners-for-heavy-duty-applications.PNG | N/A Model P358/16/0.65-1.05/4 Pneumatic and Sealless Plastic Strapping Tensioner | Strapping Width N/A 16 mm5/8 in | Strapping Thickness N/A 0.65 to 1.05 mm0.026 to 0.041 in | Maximum Strap Tension N/A 4000 N900 lb | Tension Speed N/A 70 mm/s2.7 in/s |
49.0273 /Asset/Model-P358-Pneumatic--Sealless-Plastic-Strapping-Tensioners-for-heavy-duty-applications.PNG | N/A Model P358/19/0.65-1.35/2.3 Pneumatic and Sealless Plastic Strapping Tensioner | Strapping Width N/A 19 mm3/4 in | Strapping Thickness N/A 0.65 to 1.35 mm0.026 to 0.053 in | Maximum Strap Tension N/A 2300 N517 lb | Tension Speed N/A 115 mm/s4.5 in/s |
49.0274 /Asset/Model-P358-Pneumatic--Sealless-Plastic-Strapping-Tensioners-for-heavy-duty-applications.PNG | N/A Model P358/19/0.65-1.35/4.0 Pneumatic and Sealless Plastic Strapping Tensioner | Strapping Width N/A 19 mm3/4 in | Strapping Thickness N/A 0.65 to 1.35 mm0.026 to 0.053 in | Maximum Strap Tension N/A 4000 N900 lb | Tension Speed N/A 70 mm/s2.7 in/s |
P35.0338 /Asset/Model-P358-Pneumatic--Sealless-Plastic-Strapping-Tensioners-for-heavy-duty-applications.PNG | N/A Steel Bottom-Base Wearing Plate | Strapping Width N/A | Strapping Thickness N/A | Maximum Strap Tension N/A | Tension Speed N/A |
P35.0339 /Asset/Model-P358-Pneumatic--Sealless-Plastic-Strapping-Tensioners-for-heavy-duty-applications.PNG | N/A Plastic Bottom-Base Protection Plate | Strapping Width N/A | Strapping Thickness N/A | Maximum Strap Tension N/A | Tension Speed N/A |